You saw 'em last year, and missed out - fear not, they're coming back...
Last year, I was so impressed with, what I consider to have been, the prop of the year:

The Howling Werewolf Rug
Talk about a conversation piece! This little fellow would be great for any Halloween party, whether howling at children's Halloween bashes, or silently adding a sense of opulence at a grown-up Halloween soiree.
Available at these fine retailers:
Shop Now: $50.00
This arctic looking beast comes complete with red or blue flashing eyes!

Shop Now: $74.87 + Shipping
Have your very own werewolf rug shipped right to your door!

Shop Now: $79.99
Glowing red eyes, and a fluffy brown coat!

Target - But No Longer Available
Really wishing I had bought this charming fellow when I saw him last year - I mean look at that face, what a cutie! 🐺

Happy Howling! 🐺🌙