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Writer's pictureNina S.

The Chocolate Bunny Reinvented: Hollow Chocolate Cake Pops

There is nothing quite like a hollow chocolate bunny at Easter - especially one that's a bit EXTRA... 🐰🍫

Each year, I MUST have at least one hollow chocolate bunny. It's my favorite treat during the holiday. For some reason, the hollow shell itself is so satisfying to eat. This year, I finally decided to make the treat a little EXTRA by incorporating it into a fun and festive dessert.

"Something that fully centers around the classic chocolate bunny, but will get an added bit of festive flair... "

So, I give you: The Chocolate Bunny Reinvented...

It's essentially a hollow chocolate bunny mold (remaining open face), with a cake pop mixture, speckled with festive sprinkles, placed inside the bunny mold, and served standing up with candy grass and eggs.



Chocolate Bunnies

1. Pour half the chocolate wafers into a microwave safe bowl. Melt chocolate by microwaving wafers for 30 seconds at a time, two rounds should be enough.

2. Pour small amounts of chocolate into molds and use a silicone brush, making sure to cover all crevices and edges.

3. Set in refrigerator for 10-15 minutes to solidify.

4. Fold mold over onto parchment paper on a flat surface, and gently bend edges of mold to release hollow chocolate half. Set aside in refrigerator to reuse mold and make more hollow bunny halves.


I used Funetti™ by Pillsbury, that being said...

Be sure to separate the sprinkles from the cake mix by sifting the pre-made mixture - do so until sprinkles are free of lingering flour.

Place the sprinkles aside while mixing and baking cake, for later.

*Otherwise the sprinkles will melt into the baked cake, so when the cake is crumbled to make the cake pop mixture the speckles of color will fade, leaving your cake pop mixture a brownish/gray hue!

FUNFETTI™ by Pillsbury

  • 1/2 Cup Oil 

  • 1 Cup Water

  • 3 Large Eggs

1. Follow the instructions on the cake mix box, place into a 9x13 pan lined with parchment paper, and bake.

2. Once done, let cake cool.

Cake Pop Mixture

1. Once the cake has cooled, cut it into chunks.

2. Take a serrated knife and remove one chunk at a time, then trim off outer brown edges (top, bottom, and sides).

3. Place the chunks into a large bowl to break up.

4. Using knife, fork, or even your hands, break up the cake chunks into fine pieces.

5. Add sprinkles, and continue stirring. 6. Add large spoonfuls of butter cream frosting, and stir gently with a wooden spoon. Do this however many times you need to create a moist, crumbled mixture.

Prepare Display

1. Cut edible candy grass into shorter pieces with scissors, set aside in a bowl.

2. Open package of candy eggs, and also set aside in a bowl.

3. Frost your serving plates with a thick layer of buttercream.

4. Separately, begin placing cake pop mixture in hollow chocolate halves. Grab small clumps of mixture and gently place into halves - be careful not to crack the chocolate! Be sure to pack mixture into crevices.

5. Take serrated knife and gently shave the cake mixture to be flush with the edges of the chocolate.


1. Place chocolate halves on frosted plates, cake-side facing in, tail to tail. You can close them to appear as a whole chocolate bunny, or leave them open to reveal speckled cake - up to you!

2. Once secure, place clumps of candy grass and candy eggs around the bunnies. Once completed, pipe a butter cream (or whipped cream) tail onto the butt of the bunnies.

That's it!

Your very own Chocolate Bunny Reinvented: Hollow Chocolate Cake Pops!

The perfect thing to serve after an Easter feast! Impress your guests, and of course the kids, with this detailed, yet very doable dessert - enjoy!

Supper may be over, but the festivities don't have to be with these festive bunnies!


  • As mentioned, make sure sprinkles go into cake pop mixture, not cake mixture!

  • Keep some butter cream on the side in case guests want more, though the bunnies will be rich on their own.

  • Be gentle with chocolate molds, but if they do break be sure to place them back into microwave bowl and reheat to try again.


On a scale from BASIC to EXTRA, this creation falls somewhere right in the middle.

Creating chocolate molds may not be easy, but once completed, the cake pop mixture is simple. The overall display is easy to assemble as long there is a thick layer of frosting for support. And decorating can be as simple or as elaborate as you like!

"Happy Easter!" 🐰🍫💐

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